Cydia Updates That Matter

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Filed under: Apple Updates, Backup, Cydia Installer, Email, iTunes, Jailbreaking, Messaging, Music, Notifications, Organizing, Photography, Productivity, Search, Social Networking, Springboard, Themes, Troubleshooting, Tweaks, Uncategorized, Utilities

SpringSorter 0.1 – Sort your Apps by Most Used

SpringSorter monitors how much you run the different applications installed on SpringBoard and allows you to reorganize the icon layout, making the things you use the most on top. This package was designed with many usage scenarios in mind and thus has lots of configuration options:

  • Rearrange your SpringBoard icons according to how much you use them.
  • Allows you to sort icons per page, or globally across all pages.
  • Protect pages you don’t want to auto rearrange.
  • Set a minimum amount of application usage before starting to move it.
  • Create a backup of your SpringBoard icon layout and restore it.
  • Manual or on-the-fly operating modes.

After installing SpringSorter it will automatically start to monitor your application usage behind the scenes. You can then start sorting and configurating the program via the settings program on your device.


Repo: BigBoss and PlanetiPhones

Version: 0.1
Author: Tom Zickel
Section: System

Identifier: com.openhebrew.springsorter
Maintainer: BigBoss
File Name: debs2.0/cydiastore_com.openhebrew.springsorter_v0.1.deb
Size: 11664 bytes
Depends: mobilesubstrate, preferenceloader
Pre-Depends: firmware (>= 3.0)
Conflicts: SpringSorter
Architecture: iphoneos-arm

Filed under: Productivity, Springboard, Tweaks

Rename II [2.0] – Rename Stock, Jailbroke and App Store Applications

UPDATE: Be careful renaming some cydia apps, such as Winterboard, as it will loose its themed icon if you have one enabled.

Rename II is an application that allows you to easily change the name of Stock, Jailbroke and App Store applications.

Rename II is very simple to use. The application gives you three options; /Applications, Appstore Apps and About. The /Applications option lists apps that are in your /Applications folder. This will include both stock and jailbroke applications. The Appstore apps option is where you will find a list of all the App Store applications that are on your iPhone or iPod touch.

To change the name of an application, just select it from the list. You will then get a pop-up where you can enter what you would like the new title of the app to be. Once you are finished renaming the app you can select Ok and then hit the Home Button, your device will respring and the apps will be renamed on your SpringBoard.

There are a few things I like about this application. I like that it displays the application’s original name on both the list and the pop-up where you can change the title of the app. This makes it much easier to change the app back to it’s original title. I also think it is cool that you can rename applications with emojicons. It would also be sweet to have a Rename All option that would put all icons back to their stock titles. When I was testing the app, I changed quite a few app titles and now I have to try and remember which ones they were! :) Or, maybe some sort of indicator next to the apps that are not their stock titles.

I have found that Rename II does not work perfectly for me. I am not able to rename any of my stock applications (besides Voice Memos). I can however rename all my jailbroke and App Store applications.

You can get Rename II via the SOS iPhone source.

Filed under: Springboard, Tweaks, Utilities