Cydia Updates That Matter

With so many Cydia apps its hard to keep up. That's why we are here.

Cydia crashing fix for July 18th

For 10 minutes on July 18th a corrupted packages file was posted. If you loaded Cydia during that 10 minute period, your packages file became corrupted. This subsequently causes Cydia to crash each time you use it.

Here are ways to fix it for Windows and Mac users:

**Update 1: crash-x has made a small update to the PDF. Please follow instructions carefully. We have confirmed reports that one or more source-repos besides TheBigBoss may be causing your problems. Removing all the lists may help.

Windows users: Download this tool for Windows (.NET required) and unzip the files to a handy location. Run the enclosed executable and connect your device to your PC. Click the button to start the fix. A confirmation screen will appear shortly when it has finished.

Mac or Windows users: This document (PDF) describes how to fix Cydia using DiskAid for Mac or Windows.

Note: This is not a fix for all Cydia issues, but only if you loaded Cydia on July 18th during that 10 minute period and now cannot load Cydia at all.

Thanks to DB42 of OpenHebrew and crash-x for the tools and instructions.

Filed under: Cydia Installer

iTunes 8.2.1 Reportedly Breaks Palm Pre Syncing

Earlier today, Apple released iTunes 8.2.1, describing the update only as providing “a number of important bug fixes and addresses an issue with verification of Apple devices.” The notice regarding device verification has led to speculation that the update breaks the ability for the Palm Pre to sync directly with iTunes.

According to a posting at PreCentral and a report in our own forums, this is indeed the case, signaling the latest salvo in the ongoing dispute Apple and Palm, which has hired a number of former Apple employees in recent years as it attempts to outdo the iPhone.

Filed under: iTunes

Rotation Inhibitor – Disable that Accellerometer Landscape Mode – Great for laying in bed!

Have you ever tried reading something on your iPhone while laying in bed? Well then you’ve certainly gotten annoyed at the accelerometer, which flips the image from portrait to landscape with the slightest turn. Reading on the iPhone while laying down is no easy task, and you’ll be distracted by constantly having to position the phone a specific way to keep it from flipping. That’s why it would be great to have the option to simply turn off the accelerometer for a while.

Here’s how you do it:
1. Jailbreak your iPhone (follow the link for instructions).
2. Go to Cydia.
3. Search for Boss Prefs.
4. Install it.
5. Go back to Cydia and search for Rotation Inhibitor.
6. Install it.
7. To toggle rotation on and off, simply open up Boss Prefs, and you’ll now see a Rotation option in there.
Note: There is one problem with this app: you can only lock your screen in portrait mode, not landscape.

Filed under: Utilities, , , ,

Stack v3 Alpha (Compatable with OS 3.0 or later)

Click the image to open in full size.

Please consider making a small donation to Steve so that
he will continue to work on Stack. Even $1 donation is helping
Click on the link below if you would like to donated, the link will
redirect you to the official stack website
Hi there!

Because of your generous donation to the Stack project, you have been invited to check out the upcoming Stack v3.

Stack v3 is a massive upgrade to Stack, and changes how it works considerably. Stack is now a full icon on SpringBoard, and you can drag it about as you wish, to reposition it.

This build Stack v3 is an alpha, so expect it to be buggy! You will see some drawing issues, like incorrect positioning and animations. Please do not install this if you’re not prepared for a buggy experience!

Let me know if you like it, and please feel free to talk about it on the web, show screenshots, etc. But please do not share this build with anyone; because of its massively prerelease nature it would be harmful to let it out into the public domain (as it’s so unfinished).


Filed under: Organizing, Productivity, Utilities

Backgrounder svn.r249 Update – Still No Badges for 3.0

Backgrounder When I saw an update to Backgrounder, a mod that allows apps to run in the background, I was like…YES! I thought we were going to get some of the old features back but, the update just fixes a bug in which some apps were not restoring properly. I know, I was totally bummed too. I could really use the SpringBoard badge that indicates when an app is running…I have a feeling I have left a few running on accident! You can get Backgrounder via the BigBoss source.

backgroundersvnr249 backgroundersvnr2492

Filed under: Utilities

Rogers Wireless and their horrible Customer Service on the iPhone 3G S. What happened to loyalty?

So I recently purchased an iPhone 3G 8GB from rogers 2 months ago, at the price of $199 + regular bullshit fees. Now it is $99 and the iPhone 3GS comes in at $199 now on a 3 year term.

When the iPhone was released I spoke with Rogers about the opportunity, because of such a recent purchase to be able to upgrade or trade in at a discounted price, or at the least, credit my account.

After ridiculous robot-like responses, this is what they told me.

“Dear Nick,

In your recent email, you have informed us that you need to know the
full retail price of the iPhone 3G S 8GB model.

The iPhone 3G S is available with 16GB or 32GB, the 8GB iPhone is the 3G

Device-only pricing (no term)
8GB iPhone 3G: $599
16GB iPhone 3G S: $699
32GB iPhone 3G S: $799 online pricing (no term)
8GB iPhone 3G: $580
16GB iPhone 3G S: $680
32GB iPhone 3G S: $780

More information can be found at

To locate your closest Rogers store please visit:

Thank you for choosing Rogers, we appreciate your business. If you have
further questions do not hesitate to reply to this email or contact us
at 1-888-764-3771 (24/7).

Terry D.
Rogers Online Customer Service”

Filed under: Uncategorized

iRealSMS and iRealQuickSMS compatible with 3GS iPhone | Cydia

A new update has been released for iRealSMS that allows for compatibility with the new iPhone 3G S.  This morning iSpazio had reported problems where the device was being sent to Safe Mode and had not recommended the installation, However now, having been all settled, they say you can safely proceed.

IMG_0047 IMG_0046 IMG_0049

Find iRealSMS and iRealQuickSMS in Cydia via the BigBoss repository. The application offers a free trial period of 10 days (useful to appreciate the various features of the software), then you must purchase a license for € 9.99.

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Filed under: Messaging, Utilities

SpotBright 0.3 – Update | Cydia

spotlight The producers of QuickGold have recently updated their new application, SpotBright, which arrives at version 0.3. The fix updated only a few bugs but we recommend that you run it. Please note that SpotBright is a small mod that adds the Spotlight by adding two simple improvements:


  • The ability to launch applications hidden;
  • The possibility of speeding up access to applications recently.

SpotBright found in Cydia through the repository BigBoss.

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Filed under: Search, Utilities

WinterBoard (0.9.2958-2), WinterBoard Settings (0.51) & Mobile Substrate (0.9.2958-1) now works on 3GS! Available in Cydia 3.0

Saurik has just released a new update of MobileSubstrate and Winterboard. This updates adds the compatibility with the iPhone so 3Gs, so from now you can use custom themes on the new device.

To update / install the two applications you only need to launch Cydia and look in the “Changes” or “Search”.

I will post some screenshots later if it’s significant enough. I only have an iPhone 3G at the moment.

Filed under: Uncategorized

Facebook 3.0 Update Coming Soon

FacebookKeep your eyes on the update tab in the App Store! Facebook will be releasing an update to their iPhone app very soon! I have to admit I’m pretty excited about this. Right now, the app is very clunky not to mention the major bug of messages from groups in your inbox don’t show up. There’s lots to be excited about though. Here’s a list of upcoming features straight from the developer’s Facebook account:

Facebook for iPhone 3.0 is coming very soon. I can’t predict an exact date when I will submit to Apple, but I can say that I am about 98% done. So what’s new in this update?

1. The “new” News Feed
2. Like
3. Events (including the ability to RSVP)
4. Notes
5. Pages
6. Create new photo albums
7. Upload photos to any album
8. Zoom into photos
9. Easier photo tagging
10. Profile Pictures albums
11. A new home screen for easy access to all your stuff, search, and notifications
12. Add your favorite profiles and pages to the home screen
13. Better Notifications (they link to the comments so you can reply)
14. Quickly call or text people right from the Friends page
15. Messages you are typing will be restored if you quit or are interrupted by a phone call

The one feature everyone is asking for, Push Notifications, is in development but it won’t make it into 3.0. You can expect it in a 3.1 update later this summer.

When I have submitted the app to Apple I will let you all know!

– Joe


Filed under: Social Networking